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6 Text Message Templates for Doctors & Dentists

The Value of Text Message Reminders

People are already on their phones several hours a day. So, text message reminders only make sense. And the statistics bear this out.

Over 95% of Americans use text messaging. One-third of people prefer text reminders to e-mail, phone, and direct mail. And the younger they are, the more they prefer text messages to other forms of communication. This means that even if all your clients don’t prefer it now, soon most of them will.

But it’s not just about preferences. Text messages are less intrusive, require less time to respond, and can be automated. This makes them a great way to streamline your appointment procedure.

So, if you aren’t already using text message reminders with your patients, then you’re missing out on an opportunity to build trust with your clientele, minimize late clients and no-shows, and keep your business running smoothly.

Text Message Templates for Doctors, Dentists & Medical Practices

A Text Message Reminder Caveat for Doctors & Dentists

If you run a medical practice of any kind, you need to remember that text messages should be HIPAA compliant. Fortunately, with the right services, you’ll be able to automatically send automated, HIPAA-compliant text messages.

With the importance of HIPAA compliance in mind, we’ve put together these six editable text message templates for doctors, dentists, and other medical service providers.

Appointment Confirmation Text Message Template

[Insert Patient’s First Name],

This is [Insert Medical Practice’s Name]. You have an upcoming appointment with Dr. [Insert Doctor’s Name] on [Insert Appointment Date] at [Insert Appointment Time]. Reply with ‘1’ to confirm, ‘2’ to cancel, or ‘3’ to reschedule.

Appointment Reminder Text Message Template

[Insert Patient’s First Name],

We just wanted to remind you about your upcoming appointment with Dr. [Insert Doctor’s Name] on [Insert Appointment Date] at [Insert Appointment Time]. If you need to reschedule, reply with ‘Reschedule.’

Simple Appointment Reminder Message Template

REMINDER: Your upcoming [Insert Procedure/Service] is scheduled for [Insert Appointment Date] at [Insert Appointment Time]. If you need to reschedule, reply with ‘Reschedule.’

Simple Appointment Reminder Message Template #2

Appointment Reminder: [Insert Procedure/Service] at [Insert Appointment Location] on [Insert Appointment Date] at [Insert Appointment Time]. Reply with ‘1’ to confirm, ‘2’ to cancel, or ‘3’ to reschedule.

Follow-Up Message Template

[Insert Patient’s First Name],

It’s that time again! Schedule your [annual/quarterly/monthly] [Insert Procedure/Service] by calling [Insert Phone Number] or replying with ‘Schedule.’

Appointment Reminder Template with Instructions

[Insert Patient’s First Name],

You have an upcoming appointment with Dr. [Insert Doctor’s Name] on [Insert Appointment Date] at [Insert Appointment Time]. Please remember [Insert Instructions Such as “not to eat for at least 12 hours prior to your appointment”, “to bring proof of insurance”, “to arrive 10 minutes early to fill out some necessary paperwork”, etc.] If you need to reschedule, reply with ‘Reschedule.’

If you’re ready to take full advantage of the power of text message reminders for your practice, visit our service page to learn more about how our automated appointment reminder software can help you. We’ll give you the ability to quickly and easily reduce no-shows and late arrivals, boost efficiency in your practice, and give your clients a better overall experience.

Click here for 5 Auto Shop appointment reminder templates.