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The Power of Personalization

The Power of Personalization: Found in the Wisdom of Dale Carnegie

Nearly 90 years ago, Dale Carnegie revealed one of the secrets to making people like you: remembering their name. In How to Win Friends and Influence People. He wrote, “Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” While Carnegie’s advice may be nearly a century old, its effectiveness hasn’t aged a single day.

People love to hear their names. They love to be addressed as individuals rather than as a generic ‘customer.’. And the more you can customize their experience, the more likely they’ll trust your company and give it their loyalty.

The Power of Personalization: Backed by Research

But the power of personalized communication isn’t just backed up by Dale Carnegie’s wisdom. It’s been proven by marketing research. A recent study that looked at how consumers interact with personalized content found that customers “do indeed perceive greater media enjoyment when exposed to a customized online environment as compared to a standard online environment.”

Wisdom and research both point to one inescapable reality: your customers love to feel like you’re talking to them. But how do you use this information to create a more engaging sales funnel and customer service experience?

Putting Personalization to Work for You!

How can we make people feel as though we’re speaking directly to them?

In years past, personalized advertising and communication were nearly impossible. But with today’s technology, it’s as simple as designing a template and having a program automatically populates your messages and advertising with your customers’ personalized information.

This may be something as simple as sending out a text message reminder to one of your customers before a scheduled appointment. But personalization doesn’t have to stop there. There are actually three layers of personalization that you can implement in your business, with each one boosting the positive impact on customers.

Implement a Perfect Plan!

First, you should consider implementing a plan that includes explicit personalization. Explicit personalization entails using information that your customers have explicitly give you in order to craft messages, e-mails, and even landing pages. When you send out a text message that includes your customer’s name, you’re using explicit personalization. Likewise, e-mailing a brief “Happy Birthday” message on their birthday would be explicit personalization. This is the easiest kind of personalization to put into practice.

Once you’ve effectively implemented explicit personalization strategies, you’ll want to consider ways that you can use implicit personalization. This involves using your customers’ or website users’ past behavior to interact with them. This may involve sending out an e-mail or message to someone who’s left an abandoned shopping cart with items still in them. You may also want to target advertising to people who have already interacted with your business’s website or social media accounts. This can take your personalization efforts to the next level.

The highest form of personalization is called predictive personalization. This is a tool that’s being used by some of the biggest companies in the world, including Amazon. It involves gathering massive amounts of data about individuals and groups of customers. Powerful algorithms are then used to predict what certain customers will want and expect based on the behavior of other people like them. While this technology isn’t as accessible as the others, it will likely become more so in the coming years.


If you’re searching for ways to build trust with your customers and make more sales. Fewer steps are easier to take than implementing some basic personalization strategies. And one of the best things about them is that you can begin putting them in place right now with Unlimited Reminders. We’ll allow you to create tailored messages for your customers. So that you can take advantage of implicit and explicit personalization.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help, contact us and we’ll help you get started today!